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Friday, September 02, 2005
If my head were not bolted on
JUST TODAY (and it is only 10:22 AM as I type this), so far, I have lost:
1) My library card. (eventually found in the change compartment of my purse.)
2) The cordless phone, about four times.
3) My purse, three times. And the thing is... I haven't moved it. I just keep forgetting where it is.
4) Our water bill. NO CLUE where it is. Important documents should always be printed on fluorescent-colored paper, don't you think? Man, that would make my life so much easier.
5) My gas card (not that I could afford to use it). Called to request a new one. It was cracked anyway; that's my excuse.
6) a new little vat of Carmex, purchased yesterday.
Also in the last couple of weeks I've lost one of my two mini-tripods (the one I liked better), a tube of Chapstick (see above re: "Carmex, purchased yesterday"), and innumerable hair elastics.
It's a good thing T's here to keep an eye on the kids; otherwise I'd probably lose them too (actually I DID think that LT was outside working on his fort for half an hour when really he was sitting silently on the couch behind me, reading The Hardy Boys). I am hoping that somewhere buried in all this clutter I'll actually find my mind, which I've evidently lost as well, but I'm not counting on it.
Not only should they be on flourescent paper, but they should change color once you pay them. Wouldn't that be ducky?
Posted by: Kat at September 2, 2005 12:43 PM
I lose chapstick like not losing it has gone out of style. I've seen keychain chapstick, it's in like a cage that you attach to your keys. I'd lose my keys then, I bet.
Posted by: jenn at September 3, 2005 12:37 AM