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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
something to make me feel better
I am having a thoroughly cruddy sort of few days, here. Over the weekend the house was a disaster and I had kind of an amateur nervous breakdown about how I suck at what I do and everyone who knows me and is related to me wishes they didn't and weren't and all kinds of fun stuff like that. (Melodrama: It's not just for junior high anymore). Yesterday the kids and I worked hard on the house and made some serious improvements. Today we were going to continue, and are, sort of, except that I feel really ill, so our efforts at Operation Regain Mommy's Sanity are haphazard at best. And there was an emergency with the town water so we've no water to our house at all, which we found out when LT went to flush the potty, and no, he hadn't just done an innocuous little-boy pee. (fortunately we are survivalist freakos who have water stored in our basement, so that, at least, is taken care of, even if it did involve a tiny bit of a hassle).
ANYWAY. All this is to say, if you're ever having this kind of day/weekend/life, it's easy-peasy to get cheered up, all at once, with almost no effort at all. You just have a friend like Valerie who falls in love in a really romantic way and then goes and gets married in a beautiful dress on a lovely Australian spring day and then posts pictures of it in her journal. Thank you so much, Val, for brightening my day. God knew how much I personally needed you to marry that handsome young man and post pictures of the event. ;-)
I'm sorry you're having such a rough time right now. Thanks for posting the link to those pictures -- I am a sucker for wedding pictures, even of people I don't know. They do have a way of making you feel better, don't they?
Posted by: mary at September 13, 2005 12:36 PM
I've peeked at Valerie's page a few times and it seems like a fairytale come true for her! It is always so refreshing to see such a beautiful, humble person live happily ever-after! Those pictures are beautiful, they would cheer me up too...I suppose I've left this on the wrong blog. I hope you are doing ok, I'm gonna email you in a bit.
Posted by: jenn at September 13, 2005 12:50 PM
Hey you. I'm sorry too that you've been feeling so badly. I love you!! And I'm glad I know you!! I would call to tell you myself except I don't want to make long-distance calls on our friends' line, and Dan would k-i-l-l me if I dialed long-distance on my cell phone! But you *did* get my email, no? Hadn't heard back from you, but I know how it is when you're feeling dumpy - not really wanting to talk to anyone. Glad you're cheered up a bit now, and I'll be praying things continue in that direction. Love ya!!!
Posted by: Susan at September 13, 2005 06:03 PM
I am sorry, Rachel!! I do know how you feel! I am HORRIBLE at keeping house. I just don't know how people do it! And J wants to be held ALL the time and so on! CALGON!! TAKE ME AWAY!
Posted by: debi at September 13, 2005 06:35 PM
You are an absolute sweetie! Just saw this, thank you for mentioning me!
Hoping your day is much brighter today. You are a dear!
Posted by: Valerie at September 18, 2005 08:52 PM