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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Books for December

I only read three books this month -- all Beverly Clearys. I needed the light reading to compensate for all the typing and sewing and wrapping and cooking and ill-child-tending I had to do.

  1. Fifteen -- Beverly Cleary -- 5
    • This is one of my most beloved comfort books, on a level with Anne of Green Gables almost. All the 50's imagery makes me smile. And of course there's that crush I used to have on Stan Crandall.
  2. A Girl from Yamhill and My Own Two Feet -- Beverly Cleary -- 5
    • These are the two volumes of Beverly Cleary's memoirs (I keep hoping that she'll come out with a third, but considering that she'll turn 90 this year and that she's a very private person, I am not counting on it). A Girl From Yamhill covers from her early childhood through her high-school graduation, and My Own Two Feet describes her life from college through the publication of her first book. Together they make up one of my favorite biographies -- not only do you get to know the author in a way that feels very chummy (and encounter many of the sources and settings for her wonderful books), you also get a really excellent sense of the time in which she lived. Her writing style is as engaging as it is in her novels, but these aren't really for kids, in case you were thinking of having a child read them. There are some adult themes that I think are better for junior high and up. Really, really wonderful books; I highly recommend them.
Posted by Rachel on December 31, 2005 01:12 AM in nose in a book


I think I might just give them a shot. Great review as always, Rachel.

Posted by: jenn at December 31, 2005 02:36 PM

It's funny, I've been craving Fifteen for a few weeks now but felt burdened by my library books. I took them back (a few of them unread. The shame.) and now I can read what I want. I am also craving the Betsy-Tacy books, for some reason. I think I will have to indulge that!

Posted by: Anonymous at December 31, 2005 03:56 PM

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