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Sunday, March 12, 2006

snippets yet again

I've not done anything funny or stupid, and I've no Great Spiritual Wisdom to hand down or Pensive Mothering Thoughts to relate. So, as usual, no posts. Finally, though, I think I've enough little snippets of stuff to sit down and write.

1) I've not felt inspired to take photographs AT ALL the last couple of weeks. Which is strange, especially in light of the fact that:

2) We've just had our third snowstorm in about three weeks. I don't remember this ever happening before in the thirty-one years I have lived in this area. Some years we'll get three snowstorms in a winter -- I think in 1998/1999 we had six -- but this close together, it's been interesting. Especially since in the few days in between the temperatures will frequently get up into the sixties and seventies. (and yet, I've not taken more than five or eight pictures of the snow. It'll pass. In fact I'm thinking about going for a drive and doing some shooting later this afternoon. If I have the energy.)

3) T's been off work all week. He sprained his back a week ago today and just in the last couple of days, after three chiropractor visits and a lot of lying flat on his back on a heating pad with his legs elevated on our daughter's blue daisy-printed beanbag chair, has he been able to be up and around doing stuff.

4) Then yesterday we took him to the ER because out of the blue he had one of his incidents of severe, mind-numbing pain brought about by what is essentially a muscle cramp, in one of the muscles that makes his esophagus do what esophagi do best. He hasn't had one in years, because in the past they've always been triggered by certain foods, and he's avoided those very carefully for a long time. So yesterday at the hospital, after they hooked him up to an EKG because anytime anyone presents with any kind of pain in the chest they have to treat it like a heart condition (thank you, malpractice lawyers), they gave him an opiate for the pain. This caused him to (in his words) go from intense pain to outer space in about thirty seconds. He stayed in outer space for several hours, until he returned to earth with a nauseated jolt. So that all made for an interesting afternoon.

Other than that (unless you wanted to hear about the trials and tribulations of having a cat who has decided that your closet floor is a MUCH better litterbox than her litterbox is, and, uh, you don't), there's nothing to report. I'm fine, the kids are fine. School is fine. The house is cluttered and messy and I'm behind on laundry. There's a Star Wars Trading Card Game set up on my coffee table that's been there since Friday morning sometime. Or maybe it was Thursday night. Just, you know, the usual.

Posted by Rachel on March 12, 2006 11:51 AM in the round of life


Hope you know what a public service you're doing for people like me - the similarly clutter- and mess- and laundry-challenged. :)

Posted by: Susan at March 12, 2006 02:28 PM

I hope T is doing better, I kept him in my prayers. Glad you're doing ok, I've missed you so much. Not that I can't handle not talking to you for a few weeks...But going from everyday to not very often is like quitting chocolate cold turkey. I have a bunch of news so when you get a chance, seek me out.

Posted by: jenn at March 12, 2006 04:44 PM

How is T now? Do you need anything? Dinner? Please let us know. =) How are you by the way? Have not chatted with you in ages! miss you much!

Posted by: debi at March 12, 2006 06:01 PM

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