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Thursday, March 30, 2006
Thursday Thirteen

- I freak out easily about odd things. I've written about this in here before. (just search 'jump car battery' or 'bleach ammonia', as examples.) Added to this list just tonight: I was attempting (unsuccessfully) to photograph rays of light coming off a visible-line laser pointer refracted through a prism, and I'm quite sure I managed to blind myself in the process because now my eyes feel tingly and cold. Because of course tingles and coldness are the first two symptoms of oncoming ocular failure, right? (seriously, I don't recommend trying this. You DO get a lot of little lasery beams bouncing around. Maybe I AM going to be blind.)
- I'm thirty-one years old.
- It has been so long since I had a job or similar situation where I had to be up at a certain time and out the door whether I liked it or not on a daily basis that I secretly (well, not so secretly anymore, apparently) fear that I will totally fail at it if I try to live like that again.
- I feel like I am really bad at being a friend. I'm pretty good at being a mom and a wife but somehow I always manage to be a poor substitute for a friend to the few friends I have. (I WILL write to you all soon, I promise. I might even call.).
- I spend a great deal of time and energy taking photographs, and I love doing it. However, even though I haven't played an instrument with any regularity in nearly thirteen years, I still consider myself more of a musician than a photographer.
- If I have spent more than two minutes talking to you "live" at any point in our relationship, rest assured that I went away from the interaction(s) kicking myself over having said something stupid.
- I really, truly, completely hate my feet and toes. I mean, they're very useful, but they are absolutely at the bottom of my list of my favorites among my own physical features. I would rate the spider veins in my ankles and knees above my toes, just as an example.
- I type 105 words per minute when I'm properly warmed up.
- I don't miss having newborns (ogling and holding other people's babies is enough for me), but I do miss nursing and being pregnant.
- If you asked me to describe myself in just one word, at this point in my life, that word would be 'mother'. But please don't ask me to, because that IS leaving out a lot of other important stuff.
- Because my entire mental image of myself as a child and young teen is based on the many, many photographs I have or have seen of myself with a vacant facial expression and scrungy hair, I am borderline obsessive about my children having clean faces and tidy-ish hair before I take their pictures, and unless a photo captures an absolutely unique moment, I will delete it if it shows them in a way that they might be embarrassed to see later on.
- I long for a house with a 10-foot white ceiling (bounce flash, of course).
- I prefer shopping for food and household necessities to shopping for clothes.
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#4. I REALLY enjoy having you as a friend. I think you are a great friend. I dont think you are bad at it.
#6. Next time I call you, I will time it and I dont think you will say anything stupit at all! LOL
#13. I am the same way. I dislike buying clothes for myself. I am usually the last one to get new clothes anyway. The boys keep outgrowing their jeans, and dh always seems like he needs new workclothes. sigh.
#7. that is why I always buy sandles where my toes are hidden. I always feel like people are looking at my toes and thinking "eeeew" =)
#9. I dont feel like i have one anymore. =( I do miss having one. He is trying to stand and walk now. But that is fun too!!
Posted by: debi at March 31, 2006 06:57 AM
LOL, oh my you gave me a good chuckle. See you ARE a good friend...You always make me laugh when I'm feeling bad, sad, mad, etc. (And by the way that message you left me was SO CUTE. "...Oh, by the way this is Rachel," as if I couldn't tell. When my toes are shaven and my nails are done I kind of like my feet. Oh, and I TOTALLY freaked out about the bleach/cat pee (ammonia) thing the other day. We've already discussed this and I STILL freaked out about it. Sigh.
Posted by: jenn at March 31, 2006 09:58 PM
YOU feel like you're not a good friend?! *I* am the Queen of Bad Friends. I am a very faithful blog reader :), because it would kill me to not know how you're doing - but not such a faithful friend, which breaks my heart to know. Granted, much of that is due to your #9; in fact Mr. Newborn is waking up right now to be fed. Again. ;-) Just wanted to leave another note to let ya know I'm thinking about you, and I miss you. Oh, and I'm SO glad things are going better, too. Love ya! TTYS(omeday...)
Posted by: Susan at March 31, 2006 10:16 PM
Hey I agree with #13, I love food shopping. I spend far too long searching for clothes to actually enjoy it and I end up feeling tired and annoyed.
Posted by: Mandy at April 13, 2006 06:16 AM