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Saturday, April 29, 2006
boring rambly sorts of things
So today the sun came out with a vengeance. I drove to the valley for groceries (for the next two weeks of carefully-laid-out meals) and I have an official Driving Sunburn.
Also, I remembered today that our car doesn't have A/C. (It should be fixed relatively soon. Please God please.)
Speaking of please God please, I lost something small tonight, and wouldn't it be nice if He would help me find it when He thinks it's appropriate and I've learned my little slacker lesson and all? It's not that big a deal (I keep telling myself). It's just the bracket that attaches my external flash to a tripod. I've no idea where it is. I thought it was sitting merrily in my camera bag waiting for me to read the remote flash section of the manual so that I could use it, and when I had done so, it was nowhere to be found even though I took the camera bag completely apart three times. (you all know the sign of insanity indicated here so I won't bother typing it.) The frustrating thing isn't that it's lost, per se. I can replace it, and it's not very expensive (although, see above re: two weeks of groceries, and even "not very expensive" doesn't mean "yippee, let's go buy it"). It's just that I discovered the loss at the precise moment when I was all set up to use it. Also, that losing things makes me crazy, and it makes me disgusted with myself, and blah.
Getting new tires on our car and getting them balanced seems to have removed the perplexing vibration that's been driving us nuts for the past few months. (Too bad we didn't try that before T spent a hundred dollars and a lot of hours replacing the front axles because he and most other people thought that was the problem. But still. It's fixed, and we needed new tires really badly anyway.)
And everyone in my house is healthy.
And... I have two Nikons. What kind of world do we live in where I get to have two Nikons?
And I've flossed every night for like two weeks running now. Yes, this is a record. I hate flossing but when you're 31 sometimes you have to do stuff you hate just because it's The Grown-Up Thing To Do.
And I have absolutely nothing scheduled to do tomorrow. I have a Free Day. That is if I can get over the guilt of not being caught up on laundry. I have this wild hankering to ride the bus into Yosemite and take pictures but that costs money (less money, however, than it would cost to drive, with gas at $3.30 a gallon here) and see above re: two weeks of groceries and tires and see the last post re: money in savings. Which we are Not Going To Touch. Especially for frivolous Free Day trips.
And I was going to stay up and watch the rest of the segments of the LBY session that I still haven't finished for this week (SO SO BAD I AM SO BAD) but my DSL is only working in patches and I am going to take that as a sign from God that I need to go lie down and read Northanger Abbey until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. Sometimes signs from God are super-convenient that way. Ahem. Right? Cough.
Reason #3453445654 why I like Rachel: she can even make flossing funny and interesting.
Posted by: Kristen at April 29, 2006 07:12 AM
what did you do for your free day???
Posted by: debi at April 29, 2006 08:49 PM