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Monday, April 03, 2006

Monday Positives

Just grit your teeth and write the post, Rachel.

  • Um. It's still raining. We, uh, we really need the rain. Since the rain that fell pretty much during the entire month of March was not enough.

  • T is gone on a (brief) work-related trip. This means... we get to eat pot roast for supper?

  • The awful horrible nasty long wretched brain-eating data entry job I had is done. woo hoo!

  • I am reading another Kazuo Ishiguro book. It is like I have Ishiguroitis or something; I can't stop. This one is The Remains of the Day, and as expected, it is awesome.

  • That pot roast does smell really good.

  • Now that the horrible nasty data-entry job is done, I can do my homework for Living Beyond Yourself.

  • Did I mention the data-entry job is done? At this point the fact that I will get paid for it is almost a non-issue, as long as I just. don't. have. to. type. those. stupid. records. anymore.

  • The kids and I are having a par-tee -- one of our usual really wild happening ones with brownies and ice cream, a family movie, probably a game of -- brace yourself -- a game of SORRY!. Or I might teach them to play rummy. Whew. Better rest up.

Posted by Rachel on April 3, 2006 03:48 PM in oh, great, another meme


ooooh! THAT author! I've seen the movie (Remains...). If it is the one I'm thinking of, it is really good. Anthony Hopkins is in it, I think.

NB: I have a new toy - this notebook - and I'm still getting used to the keyboard. Please excuse the errors...

Posted by: Valerie at April 3, 2006 06:40 PM

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the game sorry. Do you have life? I want to buy Life. LOVED it as a kid! My favorite part was having kids! LOLOL

Posted by: debi at April 3, 2006 07:29 PM

I remember Sorry! Ah, what I'd give for a night of brownies, ice-cream and rummy with you! Some day...

Posted by: jenn at April 3, 2006 07:35 PM

Wow, it seems like we're in the same mood... Oh, and on our most recent family vacation (we "kids" are 23 and 15 now), one of the very few things that NO ONE complained about or was whining about not wanting to do was playing Sorry.

Posted by: Kat with a K at April 3, 2006 09:15 PM

I've read "The Remains of the Day" and yes, it is awesome. No real plot, but wonderful character descriptions.

Posted by: Maria at April 3, 2006 10:59 PM

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