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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things I Could Have Blogged About This Week, But Didn't

  1. Getting ALL CAUGHT UP WOO HOO on the Living Beyond Yourself study. And again I say WOO HOO.

  2. How much I am hating the sight of my own face after ten days of this project.

  3. The heartwrenching going-away party -- or at least the going away is heartwrenching, for the people they're leaving behind -- that we went to on Tuesday for a very good friend of T's and his family, who have also been good friends of ours.

  4. The dadgumblasted nasty dull wet weather we've been having for like TWO MONTHS until today when I literally said THANK YOU GOD when I went outside and it was bright and sunny. If I wanted dull and gray for weeks on end I'd live in Washington thankyouverymuch.

  5. The forty-eight hours or so during which a nasty-but-brief tummy bug made its way through (ha ha) all four of us.

  6. The 1 a.m. puky-child episode involved with the above.

  7. How expensive gas is here right now (between $3.09 and $3.29/gallon) and how the sight of our March gas bill made me want to claw my eyes out with my own fingers.

  8. The fact that my son's 10th-birthday-party invitations say, "Bring your BB gun if you have one. There'll be shooting!" (yee-haw)

  9. The way time has been going by so fast that something I 'feel' was two days ago actually happened two weeks ago. And let's not even get into the fact that I've been a mother (well, of a person outside myself, I feel compelled to add; I was a mother for nine months before he was born if we want to get technical) for one week short of a decade.

  10. The excessive cuteness of my children.

  11. The strength of the bond between myself and THE NIKON.

  12. The fact that I decided I'd start taking night classes in the fall, and then got the college catalog in the mail and found that none of the things I will eventually need for a nursing degree are offered at our local campus extension that semester. See above re: gas prices and you'll know why that made me stick my lower lip out WAY FAR. :( <-- not illustrative enough since 80 or 160 miles/week for the sake of my higher education isn't going to happen right now. I had my hopes all up too.

  13. This kid. Funnily enough, we've just been reading in LBY about how we should be forgiving and not keep an account of past wrongs and all that stuff. Otherwise, even though I am in a general sense really annoyed with our excessively litigious society, I might be inclined to say something along the lines of YEAH STICK IT TO THEM MAKE THEM PAY. Not that I have any bitterness about anything or anything. (cough).

Posted by Rachel on April 13, 2006 03:32 PM in oh, great, another meme


Geez, there is something so generic about how they taunted that kid. Poking him and chanting "Star Wars kid!" Is that for real? ;)

I am sorry you can't take classes...I can't yet either :(

I'm glad you guys are feeling better and gas prices are on the rise here too! If we hit past $3 for unleaded I think LA might riot.

Posted by: jenn at April 13, 2006 06:48 PM

The fact that my son's 10th-birthday-party invitations say, "Bring your BB gun if you have one. There'll be shooting!" (yee-haw)

That will be fun!!!

Posted by: debi at April 14, 2006 10:59 AM

First, my husband wants directions to your house so he can come shootin' too. Yee-haw.

Second, on the college courses -- are there any you could do online, thereby saving the gas money and time to drive back and forth? That way you could get some classes out of the way and still be making progress. Both my brother and sister-in-law did large portions of their degrees (maybe even the whole thing? I am not sure) online. They would have to go to campus maybe once a semester for a day or something but that was it. I am not sure how far the main campus is from your house, but it may be worth checking into.

Third, happy birthday to LT. I have been thinking about him lately, how is his anxiety doing these days? I hope all is well with him.

Posted by: mary at April 17, 2006 12:27 PM

Mary, I've thought of the online idea. I could knock out a history and an English class that way. I just wanted my first foray back into structured academics (since it's been 13 years since I did anything of the sort, homeschooling not being big on due dates and exams) to be more structured and disciplined. Once I'm in the habit of doing it, I think I'd be better able to handle the more relaxed method of doing it online. That said, I may end up going that route. I dunno. I've been trying to figure out if it would be worth it to go ahead and drive to the city once a week, since I generally go at least three or four times a month anyway for shopping, which I could attempt to do while I'm down there for school. Except Costco isn't open when the night classes let out. :)

Thanks for asking about LT. He's in a 'doing much better' phase right now, praise God.

Posted by: Rachel at April 17, 2006 12:47 PM

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