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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

LBY: What's your worry language?

I'm not the kind of person who worries a whole lot about genuinely hard situations. I've got plenty of faith for those. It's the little daily stuff that I have to constantly remind myself to turn over to God: the messy house and my lack of desire to clean it and the fact that people will just mess it up again as soon as I'm done and I'm just expected to smile and clean it up again, that's a biggie. The little stresses of interpersonal friction that turn into big stresses of whole-family friction, that's another. Or, say, if I'm using the riding lawnmower for the first time, mentally composing a go-girl-power blog post about the experience until I get stuck on a rise of dirt, and the blade's still going and it's like banging into the ground causing the thing to try to buck me off and I can't get the darn blade turned off and I'm screaming like, well, like a girl... that's maybe another example. (Can you tell that I maybe didn't have the best day today?)

T, though -- T is a bit different. He's unruffled by daily stuff, even (which wasn't always the case) things like car trouble, as long as there's no underlying long-term thing causing him stress that he's repressing like a classic textbook case of a, um, stress-repressing person. Big stuff, though -- he's taken an few days off his life stressing about big stuff. Things like the fact that his commute is going to be three hours each way for six months to a year once he goes back to work (he's off till the end of June with his back injury) -- that one was preying on him a lot last night. Whereas I'm inclined to shrug and realize that stuff like that is lame but it's never as bad in reality as it is when we're anticipating it, so why bother stressing out in advance? I have no problem passing THAT kind of issue on to God, for him to deal with. I guess that makes me a cup-half-full person. I think T secretly thinks it makes me a burying-my-head-in-the-sand person but I disagree. :)

So anyway. Here's where the the Session 8 lessons and video come into this: As Beth said, God has something for us at the end of this. Even at the end of a year of six-hours-and-$40-each-day commutes. Even at the end of the lawnmower ride from... well. From there. We've been through worse than this. He has, for sure, for us, and He is faithful.

Posted by Rachel on May 31, 2006 05:51 PM in Bible


Yay! I see it like usually stuff is too big for me to even think about. It IS easier to just put all that big stuff onto God's shoulders because well, I sure don't want to deal with it :) I think guys have this innate need to fix things and where as it is easier for them to let something small go, it is much harder to stop thinking about the big stuff. I'm glad the lawn mower didn't kill you, it wasn't as funny this time around...Except for when you said you screamed like a girl :) I hope your day got better, it seems like it did.

Posted by: jenn at May 31, 2006 10:45 PM

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