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Wednesday, June 14, 2006


blank page: (n) 1. what your journal becomes when you're a lazy blogger and never post. 2. what your journal becomes when you're a person who has some stuff going on that you don't want to broadcast to the world because you're not sure who reads your blog. 3. proof that maybe I'm a little bit over the whole blog thing, at least for this week.

Really I can't think of anything right now. I was going to do a full-on filler post but I'll spare you. Maybe I'll come back later with some actual substance.

OK, just ONE wee little list.

  1. T's still off, getting a lot better, though, and will probably be going back to work in a week and a half (boo hoo!)
  2. There's some awesome stuff going on with my friends. Jennifer is a NEW PERSON (woo hoo!) and Kristen is carrying a new person inside her (woo hoo!), both of which are things I've been praying about for a long time. Y'all, God is awesome. Did I just say y'all? It must be genetic.
  3. We are all fine, dandy, kids are growing, blah blah blah.
  4. However, our cars are not. Fine, that is. They are both broken in various ways. Only the truck is working spot-on and since it costs like 30c a mile to drive the truck we don't. Yay for parents who will lend $25,000 machines to their child as necessary, even though said child may or may not have incurred minor damage to their $25,000 machine in the far-distant past, like say in 1992.
  5. It was like 45 degrees this morning. Which is totally awesome and everything except we spent the night at my parents and I'd only packed a tank top and shorts to wear today. I had the heater on in the car. In the middle of June. And it wasn't even a last-ditch effort to keep the car from overheating or anything like that.
  6. My dad has a new dog who is quite possibly the cutest dog I have ever seen in person. He looks just like a dog from a TV show, doggy-smile and all. It's a great story -- Dad was going back and forth about whether or not he should get another dog (his dog died back early in the spring) and along came this one just walking down his driveway last week. They checked ads and talked with every neighbor within about ten miles (granted, that's like ten people), and all anyone had to say was that they had seen that dog walking down the road that day. In the direction of my dad's house. He looked like a dog who'd been dumped (jerks do that sometimes, especially in rural areas like where Dad lives) and who had a little nudge from God to show him exactly which driveway to walk down.
Posted by Rachel on June 14, 2006 04:55 PM in boring blog-related stuff


I am so glad he has a dog. He seems so happy with him.

Posted by: debi at June 14, 2006 09:50 PM

It's SO good to see a post from you.


I've been enjoying the pictures. :)

Please get on MSN sometime, dolthead.

Posted by: Kristen at June 15, 2006 07:48 AM

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