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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

5-things meme from Kristen

How could I resist?

5 Things in my Refrigerator:

(I almost accidentally left Kristen's comment about being a sick pregnant woman here. HA! Hee hee. That would have been kind of funny, considering that high on the list of things one needs to be pregnant is a uterus, which I left at the hospital over a year ago and haven't missed since.)

1. Spring green mix, which I buy in big plastic tubs at Costco every two weeks whether I have run out or not. It's so cheap that I can just throw out the leftovers (tossing them into the field for the deer, of course) and put in the fresh tub. CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION. I am so eeevil.
2. Peaches. Yum.
3. Strawberries. Yum again.
4. A super-enormous Caramello bar in case of emergency.
5. Unidentifiable scary things in the crisper.

5 Things in my Closet:

I will leave out clothes because that's boring (half a dozen dresses I never wear and don't really like, some blouses I don't wear because they need to be ironed, and four linear feet of my husband's polos, slacks, and work uniforms). OK, so maybe "list separately" would be a better term than "leave out." So sue me.

1. My husband's Darth Vader mask/voice changer.
2. A memory box for each of my kids.
3. A 12-gauge shotgun. (take that, creepy Internet stalkers).
4. Shelves for folded clothes (Shelves in the closet! happy thought indeed!)
5. Assorted rolled-up artwork from the kids that's too big to fit anywhere else.

5 Things in my Purse:

1. My wallet.
2. Prescription sunglasses I've had since 1998.
3. A landfill. Well, not really. But sometimes you'd think so.
4. My Dart keys with my Dart Swinger key fob, which I must confess I kiss occasionally.
5. Hair stretchies for C.

5 Things in my Car:

My car... is clean. My car... has never been messy since I have owned it. I know now what I need for motivation to keep things clean. I just have to love them. Get me a house I love and hey, maybe I'd even keep that clean. Or maybe not. Anyway, on with the list.

1. Sun shields, which are too big for my windshield even though they are the smallest size we could find. Apparently they weren't so lavish with auto glass in 1972.
2. In the trunk: My 12-CD changer. T has the job of installing my stereo mostly done; he just needs to mount the stereo unit itself now.
3. Wet wipes (in the glove box).
4. Also in the glove box, chargers for my cell phone and T's.
5. A DISTINCT LACK OF MESS. In case you missed that.

Posted by Rachel on July 18, 2006 08:37 PM in oh, great, another meme


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