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Sunday, July 30, 2006

memes from Michael

1. Would you consider yourself to be flamboyant or fairly conservative?
um, yeah. Do I even have to answer this question? Conservative.

2. What is the most flamboyant thing about your appearance?
I sometimes wear red tank tops and sometimes my bra strap accidentally shows? My chin is prominent? I am kind of hard-pressed here.

3. Do you secretly wish you were more flamboyant? In what way?
No. Honestly I like that I am kind of an invisible uber-mom type who blends into the background pretty efficiently.

4. Where is the line between flamboyant and tacky for you?
I don't know. For some people to do a certain thing would just be part of their nature; for someone else to do the same thing it might be tacky. So maybe the line has to do with genuineness? No, because there are some things that I think are truly tacky no matter what the attitude of the person is. Not that I would announce such a thing. I know how it feels to be the tacky one and have people make an issue of it. Live and let live, tacky or not, is my fashion philosophy in a nutshell.

From Friday's Feast --

What's the funniest dream you can remember having?
I don't remember most of my dreams. Sometimes I'll remember one for part of the next day but generally I'll forget them by nightfall. For example, right now, I can't think of a single dream I've had in the past two weeks, except for part of one that I mentioned to T because it was scary. And I don't think I often have funny dreams.

If you were a dog, what breed would you be, and why?
I would be a mutt. A shaggyish, gangly, loving, friendly mutt. Like Ribsy but less skinny.

Continue this sentence: "I get confused when..."
...I hold the map upside down. Ordinarily I'm really good with maps and cities, even in complicated cities with a lot of one-ways, especially if I'm navigating rather than driving. Once, however, I got my directions a bit confused and forgot that while North was Up, it wasn't necessarily the direction that was directly in front of me, if you know what I mean, and I got really lost. In Fresno. On a cloudy day, so that once I was in an unfamiliar area my sense of direction got a wee bit shot Fortunately you can't throw a rock in Fresno without hitting a freeway, so I didn't stay lost long, and I got lost in a nice neighborhood. Still, no fun.

Name two things that need to be done, but you are procrastinating in completing.
I still have a laundry backup from our vacation. As for anything else, I know there IS something (probably many somethings), but I must be blocking it/them very successfully because I can't think of any.

When was the last time you tried something new, and what was it?
Probably recording for Librivox, about two weeks ago, and it's awesome, you should try it.

Posted by Rachel on July 30, 2006 08:11 AM in oh, great, another meme


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