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Monday, July 17, 2006

things that have made me smile lately

You've got to ac-cen-tu-ate the positive, right? So here I go.

  1. Librivox.org. Because I really need another obsession. Especially a computer-related book obsession. This is an awesome site, it really is -- audio recordings of public-domain books, read by volunteers, available completely free. What's more fun than listening to them (for me anyway, since I dislike being read to unless I'm doing something that makes reading impossible -- such as driving -- and I don't have an iPod, although I'm beginning to really want one) is reading them. So far I've contributed a chapter to Vanity Fair and two (of five I volunteered for) to Anne of the Island. I'm contemplating doing Silas Marner as a solo project, since I've been wanting to record it for my dad anyway. Bonus: Because I needed to get a new microphone and download some editing software to do the Librivox thing, I can now do my dad's books on tape on CD instead, and, you know, actually edit the files to take out mistakes. Yay!

  2. Mary, one of my oldest online friends and a frequent commenter here, had her baby this weekend. GO MARY. You're awesome.

  3. More butterfly pictures. Stay tuned to (or stay away from) the photo blog this week.

  4. Summer reading. LT has discovered Roald Dahl and would rather read than sleep or eat. C has bookmarks in like five different books. Not that she gets that from ME or anything. Ahem.

  5. Um. I typed "summer" up there and my mind went blank. Our forecast for this week has highs of 105 degrees and a 20 percent chance of thunderstorms. At the same time. For several days running. Oops, sorry, positives. These are supposed to be positives. Um, we don't have to build fires to stay warm?

Posted by Rachel on July 17, 2006 12:09 AM in the round of life


I didn't even know she was expecting! Wow! Congratulations, Mary! (Assuming you'll see this here...)

Looking forward to the butterfly pictures. :o)

Um, and in case you aren't aware, Rachel, the link to your photo page (the little photo at the upper right-hand corner) doesn't work. For several days, I just assumed the site was temporarily down, but it turns out the link is just missing a bit at the end.

Posted by: Michael at July 17, 2006 05:06 AM

Michael, I can't get the photo link to malfunction. Odd. (scratches head). Is anyone else having this problem? from what site -- the main site with a week's worth of entries, or the individual entry, or...?

Posted by: Rachel at July 17, 2006 08:26 AM

Totally unfair of you to mention librivox while I'm at work and can do nothing about it. I'd love to volunteer but will have to do a bit of thinking - if I actually have the time for it. Hmm.. perhaps I'll just download the software and take it from there.

I LOVE Roald Dahl! Which of his books has LT been reading so far? My favourites are "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "The Witches", "Mathilda" and "The BFG"... "The Twits" is really funny too... and "Esio Trot" come to think of it... Actually, I just like all his books ;-)

Posted by: Maria at July 17, 2006 11:55 PM

Thanks, Rachel (and Michael!)! We are doing well so far. He's sleeping on my lap right now so I am taking advantage to catch up on my BAD COMPUTER HABIT.

Posted by: mary at July 19, 2006 06:37 AM

oh yeah and we are having the same heat. Except, yeah, the A/C DIED while we were at the hospital. Compressor blew out. Great. 88 in the house with a new baby coming home. Thank God for a really good a/c company who not onyl came out VERY QUICKLY but also gaev us a break on the price of the thing. House was cool in time to bring the little guy home.

Posted by: mary at July 19, 2006 06:39 AM

I haven't had a problem with the photo link, Rach. I've been clicking from the main page.

Posted by: Kristen at July 20, 2006 06:22 AM

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