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Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Feast

What was the very last song you listened to?

It was a Scarlatti piano sonata. Not sure which one.

What is one company/store/corporation you would recommend that people stay away from?

There's a guy who runs a business selling auto interior parts and my husband placed a $2700 order with him last November. Ten months later the order is, eh, about two-thirds complete. The guy doesn't return phone calls or emails and when he DOES contact T, he feeds him a line about how it's all just about ready and blah blah blah. Except it's not. So. In case any of my blog readers were going to go and purchase any auto body parts ;), steer clear of A 1 C a n v a s. (I'm so softhearted I can't stand to think of the guy googling his business and finding this).

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy having your picture made?

Someone else taking it: 3. My grandmother in particular taking it: 1. (for some reason I gain thirty pounds and look absolutely hideous -- as in, literally, like scarily bad -- whenever she takes my picture). Me taking my own picture: 8, because I know that's my best chance to make myself look like a normal person when really I don't.

Main Course
Besides a bookmark, what is something you’ve used to keep your place in a book?

Oh, everything. A bill (especially fun when they come due and you can't find them), junk mail, a CD, a hair elastic, a barrette, a pencil, a napkin, a photograph, an envelope, a receipt, another book.

Name a food that you like that most people don’t.

Leftover spaghetti with ranch dressing mixed in. MMM.

Posted by Rachel on September 15, 2006 07:04 PM in oh, great, another meme


LOL about the bookmarks. I'm the same way. And the spaghetti with ranch...I seriously almost gagged! But...I have never tried it, and I do like both spaghetti and ranch, so...never say never. But I'm not about to try it anytime soon! :-)

PS why does it have to be leftover?

Posted by: Denise at September 15, 2006 10:11 PM

LOL another book! LOLOL...I've totally done that. I have also had spaghetti with ranch dressing...I've had FRESH spaghetti with ranch dressing. Now I know why we're BFA's. I love you so, so much (Uh-oh, tightness in my chest and it isn't my bra) and I'm sorry I missed you tonight...It took me WAY too long to find stuff to make a vegan chocolate cake BAH. Thank goodness I like cow parts.

Posted by: Jenn at September 15, 2006 11:51 PM

Denise, it has to be leftover for three reasons:

1) Tradition. I used to eat it for breakfast that way, cold, when I was in my early teens. Can't hack that anymore but I still love it if it's heated up.

2) Pleasure. This way I get to have regular spaghetti, which is very very good if I do say so myself, AND my special spaghetti-and-ranch-dressing treat.

3) Logistics. When we're having spaghetti as the family meal, everyone's at the table together and none of them can stand the sight of my delicious special recipe. Sillies. They won't even try it. :)

Posted by: Rachel at September 16, 2006 09:32 PM

Oh I am SO relieved you don't eat it cold anymore! Yipes. My husband eats peanut butter and jelly spread on top of his grilled cheese sandwiches (very labor intensive, I might add). My kids instead of being appalled, now request it that way themselves. Sigh. I of course eat only appetizing things. ;-)

Posted by: Denise at September 16, 2006 09:56 PM

Okay, the spaghetti thing is sick. And no, you don't get to bring up the fact that I like my spaghetti noodles hot and ketchuppy.

The next question about the bookmarks would be: have you been late on a bill because you used it as a bookmark? Because, um, I don't know anyone who has done that.

Posted by: Kristen at September 18, 2006 01:21 PM

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