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Saturday, October 14, 2006
can we keep him, Mom? can we?
Yesterday the kids looked outside and saw a stray cat (or rather a half-grown kitten) on the porch. They went outside thinking they'd try to pet him, and to their surprise he actually let them. Enthusiastically. They noticed that he was attempting to eat little black fragments of -- well, of whatever it is that comes off the barbecue grill when you clean it -- from the porch, so they brought him a bowl of food, which he scarfed, and a bowl of milk, which he did likewise. He came in the house without blinking an eye, and they presented him to me.
OK, I must be completely honest with you, my vast blogging public. That last sentence? Happened in the opposite order. Ahem.
Anyway. He was starving, matted with stickers, hosting a couple of ticks, and uncannily like our cat Henry, who died a little over a year ago. We cleaned him up, treated him for fleas, and put a collar on him. Meet Darcy:

(ordinarily I do not attempt studio-style photos of pets, but I had constructed a light tent for some ebay photography -- see the photo blog -- so while I had it already set up I stuck him in there. He didn't much want to sit still; I was lucky that he sat down to wash himself and I could snap a shot as he lifted his head.)
Anyway. At least I call him Darcy, because he fights with Elizabeth. C calls him Smoky, and LT calls him Oscar, because (having apparently been on his own and scrounging for quite some time) he has a strong feline passion for the garbage, which he is constantly trying to overturn in hopes of a snack, even though he might already have eaten a small plate of leftover spaghetti sauce, a huge portion of cat food, and probably a cup or so of milk. During the night he succeeded in his quest, and T thought the position of the FOUND flyer to be humorous enough to risk using THE NIKON while I was sleeping to take a picture of it:

(note the blurring to protect me from crazed Internet stalkers. I'm not just going to hand it to you guys.)
I did put several of those up around town but we secretly hope that nobody calls. If we haven't heard from anyone by the end of the weekend, I'll call the vet on Monday and see about getting Darcy/Smoky/Oscar his shots and his testicles removed and all that sort of fun feline stuff. And then I guess maybe we'll have to all actually agree on a name. :)
He is beautiful!!!!!!
Posted by: debi at October 14, 2006 01:24 PM
He's adorable! Who's Elizabeth? Your other cat?
Posted by: Maureen at October 15, 2006 05:33 PM
Love the pic of the trash can. Couldn't have styled it better if you tried =)
He's a beauty. And I vote for Darcy, myself.
Posted by: lady laura at October 18, 2006 10:18 AM