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Saturday, November 18, 2006

remedying the situation

I took pictures today. yay! Nothing brilliant, but oh, it felt good. And also, now the photoblog queue is loaded until sometime around December 1st, so if I run dry again in the interim, at least that won't sit there with the same sad picture the whole time.

Ooh, another thing! I re-covered a chair. Yes, me, I, with my own two hands, did this. Our chairs are in such sad, sad shape. They're upholstered, and the upholstery is... destroyed is the word I would choose, I think. Completely wrecked. In shreds. Seriously, most people would have thrown them away and bought new chairs months ago but have you any idea how much chairs COST? They cost a LOT! I could buy A LOT of books with what I would spend on four (or, oh heavens, six) new chairs. Someday, like when I win the lottery (which I don't play) or when someone just decides out of a clear blue sky to give us a lot of money, maybe we'll buy new ones with that. Meanwhile, today I was at a rummage sale, and in addition to four nice retro-ish black folding chairs, they also had upholstery fabric, about seven yards for $2. I bought the chairs and the fabric both, figuring I'd try re-covering our sad, sad chairs, and if I failed then even those black folding chairs would be better for daily use than what we have. (We needed them anyway, since I haven't progressed in my madd houshold skillz to making chairs, and we'll need more than we have for the Christmas dinner which I am hosting this year). But it worked. I dismantled the saddest chair and used the tattered remnants of upholstery fabric nagahyde plastic as a pattern, and I cut, and I sewed and stapled, and voila, a chair that doesn't look like we pulled it out of the dump. When it had been sitting there for several years.

Now I just have to devote the next several days of my life to doing the other three chairs, and continue to not accidentally use the staple gun on my leg (so far so good, but it was kind of close) and I'll be all set!

Posted by Rachel on November 18, 2006 10:58 PM in the round of life


I cant wait to see them!! congratulations on the hard work done!!

Posted by: debi at November 19, 2006 12:07 AM

Can we see pictures????

Posted by: debi at November 19, 2006 03:13 PM

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