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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things that Prove I Am The Grinch in Mom's Clothing

  1. I never let my kids eat candy canes. (daughter with long hair + sticky candy specifically designed not to stay in mouth = way too many baths in one day.)

  2. I had never listened to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra until yesterday.

  3. I keep XM on the Classical Christmas station even though the rest of the family is tired of it. My car, my XM. You get your OWN car and your OWN XM, and we'll see if maybe I'll let you decide what to listen to on it then.

  4. Fake Christmas tree. (This one has lasted us since 1995, which means we're down to $2.50 a year now. If we use it for all forty or fifty years of our marriage, it'll be way under a dollar a year. That's the goal.)

  5. I hate all those stupid inflated yard decorations. I mock them out loud at Costco.

  6. I mock Luciano Pavarotti and José Carrera singing Christmas music on XM too.

  7. My kids have known from birth that Santa is just imaginary. They don't get presents from him either. (At least we tell them not to go around spilling the beans to your kids...)

  8. I haven't wrapped anything yet.

  9. The kids' presents (except the Big Ones, which are in the basement) are just sitting in a big green cinch-neck bag in my room. They're on their honor not to peek. If they want to ruin their own surprise, shrug. (My brother and I 'peeked' at our presents once when we were kids. It only took that one year to realize that most of the fun was the surprise. In our household we call that a 'self-punishing action'. Like when you're running in the house and you trip over the coffee table and careen into the wall. Not that my clone has ever done that.)

  10. I just bought the first of my husband's Christmas presents yesterday*.

  11. I never ever ever wear reindeer antlers. Although I used to wear a Santa hat occasionally, until it made it into the kids' costume cache and got wrecked.

  12. I'm not-so-secretly hoping it starts raining just in time to cancel the caroling at Awana this evening**. Tramping around where there are no sidewalks or even good road shoulders, in the freezing cold, with thirty kids, half of whom forget to bring jackets, singing Christmas carols to which only the adults have ever learned the words, then coming back in and hyping everyone up on cocoa and cookies... ugh.

  13. I have had a splitting sinus headache for two days and it's apparent that I must have let it suck away every inch of cheer in my body.

*He is very intimidating with his very specific lists.

**Really I love the idea of caroling and I used to try to get the community chorus to do it every year. Just not at Awana.

Posted by Rachel on December 14, 2006 10:18 AM in oh, great, another meme


You've only just heard Trans-Siberian Orchestra? They are my cheezy guilty pleasure at Christmas. That's what I'm listening to in my car. Those who don't like it can leave. That means the baby is listening to it at a very young age.

I can raise your Grinchiness -- my husband and I gave each other our fake tree this year as a gift. Yeah, we are all special like that.

Inflatable yard ornaments are stupid. There is a house in our neighborhood that has more yard ornaments visible than yard. It is an abomination.

What are the Big Gifts this year?

Posted by: mary at December 14, 2006 11:27 AM

There are clouds!!! So there is a bit of hope!!! I will be back after I go do the rain dance outside! =)

Posted by: debi at December 14, 2006 02:15 PM

Bah. I love this little list. I'm right with you. Yard ornaments are so stupid. They freak me out when I drive and I see them out of the corner of my eye.

I know I've heard the name Trans-Siberian but I can't remember if I've heard them.

Candy canes taste gross anyways.

I prefer fake Christmas trees. It really grosses me out when I think about people growing trees just to cut them down. No I'm not Green nor am I a liberal hippy. I just like trees is all. Wanna fight about it? :-)

Ugh I need to be with you RIGHT NOW. I wanna go caroling and drink hot cocoa after nine. I want to mock stuff at Costco. And eat some pizza, mmm.

Posted by: jenn at December 14, 2006 04:49 PM

1) My parents ONLY let us eat candy canes on Christmas Day. We had nothing that even resembled it for the rest of the year. For the exact same reason.

2) What's the Trans-Siberian Orchestra? ;-)

4) Fake Christmas tree???? Oh the horror!! ;-) For me it has to be a real tree all the way. Yes, it's more expensive, but also (IMHO) more charming because of the delightful smell.

5) YES! I hate the inflated yard decorations too! Fortunately they haven't really made it to Denmark yet, so I only mock them in pictures/movies from the US.

7) Thank you! We've never been told to believe in Santa, nor will my kids ever know that he's anything other than imaginary. What they want to pretend is up to them, but I'm not going to lie to them and tell them he's real. It's a huge pet peeve of mine. How do you explain that some of what you told them is true and some isn't? "No deary, Santa and the Easter Bunny are fake, but Jesus is real enough."

8) Neither have I.

9) My parents did the same. Like you, I only peeked once.

11) I've never worn reindeer antlers in my life, and don't intend to start now. Santa hats are cute though.

Posted by: Maria at December 14, 2006 11:29 PM

Just for the record, the fake tree isn't just for the sake of expense. We traditionally set it up on the day after Thanksgiving, and leave it until New Years' Eve; we have a woodstove for heat; it and the tree are both in the living room. So fire hazard also comes into play.

And mess. The needles, the sap, the spillage from the water basin, that sort of thing. I have a hard enough time motivating myself to keep this place clean. :)

I do miss the smell. But that's about it. :) The thing about a fake tree, though, is that if at some point we decide that for one year we want to get a real one for the sake of the smell (so the kids can experience it once, or whatever), we can just leave the fake one in the attic. But if we don't, voila, we just bring down the tree and set it up.

And Maria, that's precisely the reason we don't foster a belief in Santa in our kids. It's funny how it OFFENDS some people, that we don't. My grandmother made a HUGE deal of it at Christmas one time and she has never been here for Christmas since. She'd rather spend it alone in her house than spend it at mine where we don't believe in Santa.

Posted by: Rachel at December 15, 2006 12:49 AM

I think the inflatable yard ornaments are obnoxious, but we have one. It makes the kids happy. It's a snowman, and it's not overly huge. But yeah, it's still creepy. I'm only going on about this because I know I'm being mocked, but I just have to accept it, because the kids don't care if other people think we're tacky and cheesy.
We just bought a cd of Trans-Siberian Orchestra today. I've never heard them, but my dh got it for his sister.
We tell our kids Santa is fake, too, for the same reason you and Maria stated.
I hope you find your cheer again soon. I'm kind of ho-hum myself, as another Christmas slips by and my resolve to make it about anything BUT presents is once again not happening...

Posted by: Denise at December 16, 2006 03:53 PM

Ah, that makes sense. In Denmark it's the custom only to have the tree up for Christmas itself. I.e. from around the 4th Sunday of Advent to Twelfth Night.

Sorry to hear about your grandmothers stance on Santa - that's just weird, that she'd find that belief in Santa is more important than spending Christmas together with you guys. I'm never going to understand some people...

Posted by: Maria at December 17, 2006 11:18 PM

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