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Monday, December 25, 2006

you know you're a grown-up when...

...you're glad to see the end of Christmas Day.

It was nowhere near as bad as last year, when C was sick and T thought she was well enough to go to his immuno-compromised stepmother's house for dinner but she threw up there and wasn't THAT grand (really, this is one of the hardest kinds of little decisions to make. Do we wreck the holiday for everyone for what could be a case of 'I ate too much junk', or do you run the risk of finidng out too late that you should have?). Fortunately. It was just crazy. And there were only 13 people here! I mean, I've had more and it's gone more smoothly. This year the main problems were that a) I started dinner too late, because I swear time went straight from 8:30 AM to 10:50, I've no idea how or why but I swear it did, and b) the turkey was possessed by the devil. It just WOULD NOT COOK as fast as it usually does. And there was this whole comedy of errors wherein I checked it with the broken meat thermometer (why hadn't I already thrown this out if I knew it was broken? [kicks self]) and thought it was done so I turned the roaster oven off but then I remembered about that stupid meat thermometer and checked it with the real one and it still had twenty degrees to go. And then the roaster oven and the coffee maker conspired between them to throw the overload-protection switch on their joint power strip, which we didn't find out until I noticed that the turkey juices weren't hissing and sizzling anymore, and that it was remarkably stubborn about staying at 165 degrees. So we ended up just having the ham with all the sides for dinner, and I didn't even carve the turkey until just before we ate dessert. Yes, this means I now have the meat from an ENTIRE TURKEY in my refrigerator and WHEN are we ever going to eat that? sigh.

And I'm getting a kind of hoarse sore throat thingy so I DID NOT sleep well last night what with the congestion. Also, this morning after we finished opening presents, C had a little fit because she didn't get this one particular enormous stuffed duck that she wanted, so she had to get sent to her room until she could stop being so Veruca Salt-ish, at which point she shifted from crying because of greed into crying because of (a flair for the dramatic and) shame. So THAT made for a fun little interlude.

However. Everyone left with full tummies (we had seven pies. For thirteen people.), and the dishes are clean, thanks to my angelic and hard-working mom, and everything was good to eat and we remembered Jesus, so even if the day didn't feel birthdayish to me in the slightest, it's all good. Especially since the three days leading up to today have felt like three birthdays all in a row. I hope that doesn't mean I have to be 35 now.

P.S. I have been putting pictures up at Flickr lately. I am planning something different for the photo blog for next year, and Flickr has become the place where I upload the few pictures I take that I think are worth showing to anyone. There are a lot of older photos up there right now too. If you are someone I actually know, online or off, and you'd like access to our family album which is set to private, drop me a line and let me know and It Shall Be Done.

Posted by Rachel on December 25, 2006 11:31 PM in the round of life


I hope you feel better! I'll admit your story about C made *me* feel better about my own kids' shall we say tendency to forget how incredibly blessed they are, and their occassional fit of pouting because they didn't get enough time to play Dance Dance Revolution. WIsh I could've helped eat the pie! :)

Posted by: Denise at December 27, 2006 08:55 AM

Dang, send some of that turkey my way ;-) Sounds like every-single dinner party I've ever tried to throw. Sigh.

Posted by: jenn at December 28, 2006 11:51 AM

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