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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

books for December

Appallingly late with these again. I wasn't putting it off because it was such a daunting task to write this post; I was putting it off out of shame that once again I only finished two books in December. And one of them doesn't really count.

  1. Shopgirl -- Steve Martin -- 2.5
    • You know, except for one very brief little chapterette, this entire book was pretty much a waste of time for me. Good thing it's really just a novella. Martin's writing style was surprisingly good -- not that this means it was amazing, just that it means it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be -- and his wry humor comes through in the text. This fact, and the aforementioned chapter, were all that kept me from making this a 1.5 (1 being reserved for books I can't make myself finish because of their utter bad suckiness). So if you open this to the chapter about the main couiple's second date -- I cannot even remember the characters' names -- Mireille? -- anyway, open it to that chapter and read the exchange between them which is, with its narration, possibly the most apt and humorous treatment ever written of the miscommunications that abound in male/female relationships, and you will have gleaned all the good that I did out of this little book. I kind of feel bad, not liking it, because the premise was interesting. It just didn't go anywhere. Or at least not anywhere I cared about. Stylish, but as substance-free as the local public schools.

  2. Anne of Green Gables -- L.M. Montgomery -- 5
    • One of my top ten favorite books ever. I've read it literally at least two dozen times, probably three. This time I was reading it aloud and painstakingly editing the resulting audio files, which meant that I noticed pretty much every little detail all over again, and the story actually was better for this. Other than that, I have nothing new to say about this wonderful book except that I am going to force my family to listen to it in the car as soon as I have a car kit for my iPod. Bwa ha ha ha.

So there you have it: my shameful little list of two (2) books for an entire 31 days. To be fair to myself, I did have a lot of other projects going on. Not that I did all of those either.

Posted by Rachel on January 3, 2007 01:21 AM in nose in a book


that list is not shameful! You have been quite busy!!

Posted by: debi at January 3, 2007 08:14 AM

You know, I loved the movie. I keep meaning to pick up the book. I wonder how different the two are from each other.

Posted by: jenn at January 8, 2007 06:05 PM

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