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Friday, March 16, 2007
really? that high?
You Are 45% Normal |
![]() Other things you do are downright strange You've got a little of your freak going on But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself |
Wow!! I am 55% of normal! HOWEVER, I want to know how you answered #12?? That is the one that asks would you rather A. gain 150 lbs or B. get hit by a truck. and careful consideration, I chose b. =)
Posted by: debi at March 16, 2007 02:08 PM
Strangely, I am also 45% normal. What I want to know is, does pot smoking make you more or less normal??? What about shacking up before marriage?
Posted by: mary at March 16, 2007 04:59 PM
Mary, I wondered this as well. Probably it's a statistical majority/minority thing, if any thought went into it at all, and I would suspect that never having smoked pot and having moved in with my husband after the honeymoon puts me on the minority side.
Debi: I originally said that I would rather be hit by a truck, but I've changed my mind. If I got hit by a truck, probably I'd gain a lot of weight anyway because of lack of exercise for, well, the rest of my life, with no way of losing it.
Posted by: Rachel at March 16, 2007 06:15 PM
Posted by: me at March 16, 2007 06:23 PM
Well, I'm 40% normal. What is "normal" anyway? And about the truck vs. gaining 150 poinds question, what's up with that? I picked the gaining 150 pounds because at least if I died because of more than doubling my current size I would have fun while doing it! :)
Posted by: Janna at March 17, 2007 05:10 AM
I just did the quiz again, with all the opposite answers as last time. Now I am 45% normal.
Posted by: debi at March 17, 2007 05:57 PM
I fiddled around with the answers until I got 100% and found that according to the writer of that quiz, you are 100% normal (and also boring) if you:
-can roll your tongue
-change your towels daily
-button your shirt from the top down
-carry closer to $100 than $40
-stop wearing something when it doesn't fit anymore
-would rather be on time and not look perfect than be late and look your best
-have given someone a fake name/number
-have smoked pot
-think living together is fine
-think spanking is OK
-prefer bananas to apples
-would rather be run over by a truck than gain 150 lb
-think having someone in the bathroom when you pee is not OK
-speak a second language
-prefer blue to red
-would rather have a window seat than an aisle seat
-are a morning person
-find it harder to control weight than spending
-have fallen in love a half-dozen times
-would ideally have s e x every other day as opposed to a half-dozen times a month.
It's a simple calculation, five points per 'normal' answer.
(who, me? too much time on my hands? wha?)
Posted by: Rachel at March 18, 2007 05:34 PM
Thanks for going to the trouble to figure all that out, Rachel. (G) I think I see now why I was only (or should I say "as much as"?) 50% normal. ;o)
Posted by: Michael at March 19, 2007 03:24 PM
These were amazingly hilarious questions (And I mean snort food out of your nose funny). If all of that makes you normal, the world is full of narcisistic, obsessive-compulsive, neurotic freaks. I being the queen of all. :-)
Doesn't that chick look like the lady from Bewitched?
Pardon my spelling.
Posted by: jenn at March 19, 2007 08:04 PM
35% here. What the heck?! :)
Btw, going Thursday for an US to see why I measured 10 weeks last week instead of 7. !!!Hopefully God doesn't have THAT great a sense of humor!
Love you! :)
Posted by: Susan at March 20, 2007 06:53 AM
susan, Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you!
Posted by: debi at March 20, 2007 12:20 PM
Rachel, I was exactly the same percentage 'normal'. Perhaps that explains our bond?
Posted by: Kristen at March 26, 2007 08:01 AM