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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
day 25 - air conditioned
This sign, which I've wanted to photograph for a long time and finally did today when I was in the valley, has always made me a little bit sad. It's a relic from the days when Highway 99 was a two-lane highway and not an eight-lane freeway -- when a trip through California from north to south necessitated an overnight stay, or three or four overnight stays. To imagine it in its 1950's heyday, and then to see the motel in its current state (as a drug-addled "studio apartment" complex)... sigh. (Ask me if I liked the movie Cars.) There are similarly depressing leftovers from a bygone era in a lot of locations along 99. Sometime I'll take a photography trip, and get some more of them, before they're all gone.
I like that sign too.
Posted by: debi at July 26, 2007 03:35 PM