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Wednesday, July 04, 2007
day 4 - fireworks tree

day 4 - fireworks tree
Originally uploaded by Mrs Rachel
Today we went to a swim party/potluck/prayer meeting at the home of some friends. I took pictures during the swimming portion of the festivities, but we have a no-posting-pictures-of-our-kids-in-swimsuits-on-the-Internet rule, so you won't be seeing any of those. The fireworks display was pretty much an afterthought -- the Ts were too tired out from all the swimming, eating, and praying we'd already done, so it was just C and me, driving out just before they started and finding a place to park and a vantage point that might be decent. The vantage point turned out to not be quite as decent as I thought, since a telephone pole that I had thought would be well out of my shots ended up being very near the middle of most of them. But we had a good time watching the fireworks, anyway.