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Monday, July 09, 2007

day 9 - unraveling

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day 9 - unraveling

I have a tendency to hang onto objects that have sentimental value long after I should have let them go.

This sweater, for example, is one that I bought in the first year of my marriage, when I was 19 or maybe 20. It's (uh, it was) a very heavy maroon cotton cabled hip-length behemoth of a sweater, and I think it went out of fashion about five minutes after I first put it on (because that's just how I roll). I wore it for several years anyway (again with the how I roll), through three pregnancies and sundry other events, until about five years ago when I got tired of it. It has(d) a really big, ugly run in the back. Yet, because it dates from that early period of my marriage, I have been unable to make myself get rid of it.

However, now that we face the very real possibility of having to move everything we own (which is... a lot), suddenly the value of things changes a bit. I was going to throw the sweater away, but I decided to try my hand at reclaiming the yarn, to make dishcloths from it. There may well be a time in the near future, thanks to a Mortgage Payment -- pardon me while I run around and scream like this -- when I won't have the money to support my yarn habit, and I'd be glad to be able to pull out something free and make something useful out of it.

See how far I've come? Now, instead of moving a five-pound sweater, I'll be moving... five pounds of yarn. (Don't ask about the cropped-length ivy-green crewneck sweater that T bought me on our first date, though...)

Posted by Rachel on July 9, 2007 11:17 PM in photoblogging


You crack me up. I am so sorry I have been so selfish lately. I got so lost in myself that I forgot about all the craziness in your life. I hope you are dealing OK. I love you so much. Call me if you need me. Please.

Posted by: jenn at July 10, 2007 08:38 PM

A few months ago, my husband hired a man to help him in his shop. This man looked SO familiar to me. Every time I see him, I get this feeling that I've seen him before. I've asked him so many questions about himself, TRYING to figure where I'd seen him before, that I could probably write his biography. This morning when I was reading your latest entry, it hit me...he looks just like your T! If you husband has any long lost relatives in Montana...I've met one of them.

Posted by: Anonymous at July 11, 2007 05:16 AM

Oops! I forgot to tell you who I am...this is h2ophobic from Diaryland!

Posted by: Anonymous at July 11, 2007 05:18 AM

I have an idea for that yarn (not much creativity requireed, since I'm wearing a cotton sleeveless sweater I knit of nearly that color). Since it's cotton, what if you take a little of that yarn and knit yourself or C a short-sleeved or sleeveless summer sweater? No cables to weigh it down, just something comfortable. The sweater I'm wearing is this pattern; it was the first sweater I knit and didn't come out nearly as fitted as the picture (I modified it a little for gauge and apparently didn't get it quite right, but it's very wearable anyway.) It's a nice easy pattern; if I were to knit it again (and I might) I might modify it to knit in the round.

Posted by: dichroic at July 19, 2007 12:45 AM

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