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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

anytime the floor wants to open and swallow me up, that'd be fine

Let's say, just hypothetically, that there was a person who lost her wallet and had to embarrass herself by scurrying around like a forgetful mouse in a nursery tale trying to find it. Then let's say that this purely hypothetical person, barely a month later, lost, say, a rather expensive textbook. Possibly in the same classroom where she thought she had lost the wallet. With the same instructor. Who may or may not have also observed this same hypothetical silly person through four years of high school, back in the dark ages of lost antiquity, as she left a trail of her belongings around campus nearly every day and had to scurry around similarly to reclaim them. Should this hypothetical person:

a) Work up the courage to shamefacedly ask the instructor if she left her book in his class?


b) Go through the last five weeks of class including the final with no book and see if anyone notices?

Posted by Rachel on November 13, 2007 02:08 PM in Stupid Things Rachel Does


You probably should ask. I hope you find it!

Posted by: debi at November 13, 2007 03:15 PM

I'd look around first, as much as I could, but if I thought the instructor might have found it, I'd definitely ask-- and I'd try not to be embarrassed about it. (If only it were that simple to turn off embarrassment, worries, etc.!) I have a feeling that this purely hypothetical person is very busy, with lots to think about and coordinate, so she's allowed to forget things every so often. ;o)

Good luck finding the book!

Posted by: Michael at November 13, 2007 04:08 PM

After four years "He" should know you by now. Thank goodness I'm normal; I've just read an excerpt from my life. Get that book, no matter who you have to ask.

Posted by: Anonymous at November 13, 2007 05:47 PM

You're silly.

Posted by: jenn at November 13, 2007 10:26 PM

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