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Monday, February 04, 2008

four things

Thing one:

Crate training proceeds apace. I can see a tiny light of sanity at the end of the tunnel. (This dog, T points out, has cost us more than a vacation to the beach would have. More than we spent on our first child in his first, oh, three or four years of life. More than I could have reasonably spent in an absolutely dizzying expedition to a bookstore. Or, to get all practical and also to tie in a reference to my other current obsession, possibly more than it would cost to have our driveway graded. She had better plan on saving someone's life, Lassie-fashion, at some point.)

She has just emerged with a very guilty expression from my bedroom. I had better not find any dog-logs in there, missy.

Thing two:
C is sick. She is puky, and flushed but so far not feverish. Poor princess. Here's hoping it's a 12-hour bug. (And also that I don't get it, because tomorrow is a Very Important Night in history class, and also who would take the dog out to poop?)

Thing three:

Not even a single solitary chance of rain. BLISS. I am no longer a person who loves winter. I cannot wait for spring. Heck, I cannot wait until I'm taking the dog for a walk at 8:30 in the evening in a tank top and capris, instead of freezing my toes off in my jammies, jacket, and canvas shoes taking her out for her morning potty. (seriously, we will need some more moisture before the annual drought sets in or we'll all catch on fire around Labor Day. But a break is going to be very very nice.)

Thing four:


Posted by Rachel on February 4, 2008 10:06 PM in I dunno, I thought it was funny... | kids | pets | the weather and the state of the roads


Not in order.
4. Love it! Especially pouty Luke as The Mrs. and the Stormtrooper driving the cab.
3. Having a hard time working up sympathy for you. :) We've had snow on the ground since Thanksgiving and are expecting 4-8" today. This is pretty unusual for us. I'm about tired of it.
2. Poor kid. Those things SUCK.
1. Glad to hear she's doing well with the crate training. Those are interesting comparisons when you figure out how much she's costing. I refuse to think about how much the rabbits cost us. I think it will make me weep.

Posted by: mary at February 5, 2008 06:32 AM

Glad the crate training is going well! I'm very ready for spring too.

Posted by: Kat with a K at February 5, 2008 06:56 AM

I can't see thing #4 :-(

I am coming soon! I can feel it!

Plus...I have a plan for baby talk #4. I have a good feeling about it :-)

Posted by: jenn at February 5, 2008 12:38 PM

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