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Sunday, August 03, 2008

I deleted this post because it was very whiny.

I decided to make a Mary Sunshine/Pollyanna type post instead. So without further ado, in no particular order, here are some happy, non-whiny things about my life (ooh goody! a list!):

  • The giant fire is pretty much out.

  • I have so much produce coming in from my garden right now, and so many berries sitting in my fridge that the kids and I picked FOR FREE, that I just now was stupid enough to spend considerable time whining about how I was going to deal with it all. Yeah, that's right, I have too much free healthy yummy food. I swear, what kind of life is this.

  • Everyone in my house is healthy.

  • We have enough money to live normally if we don't do anything stupid.

  • Three people asked me for recipes for things I brought to a potluck today. As far as ego-stroking goes, this is the midlife-mom version of having a modeling agent give you his card. If you want to score points with a woman who cooks, start by asking her for a recipe.

  • Our new car is (of course) under warranty, so the fact that I have to drop it off tomorrow to get a new transmission installed (!!!) is a minor inconvenience and not an insurmountable expense. We even have coverage for a rental while they work on it. Plus I get to eat at PANDA! for lunch, that is if I walk two miles first, skip breakfast, and eat only vegetables for dinner to help make up for the onslaught of calories and sodium.

  • Smokey, our favorite cat (they're not children; we're allowed to have favorites), is not lost. (He hadn't come home by his usual bedtime so I drove down the driveway looking to see if maybe he hadn't come home from an earlier excursion -- we went to the market for ice cream and as usual he stopped at the end of the driveway rather than going out on the road with us -- and there he was. I'm embarrassed at how squee-fully relieved I was.)

  • Did you see that? We walked to the market to get ice cream. AWESOME.

  • I took a nap today. WITH MY SPOUSE. I heart Sunday afternoons.

See? Much better.

Posted by Rachel on August 3, 2008 11:31 PM in housework and such


So what are these popular recipes? Are you holding out on us? :)

Posted by: Kat with a K at August 4, 2008 06:44 PM

I'm sorry I missed the woeful post. Misery loves company. What a blessing it is to be able to see the light through the darkness.

Posted by: jennifer at August 5, 2008 11:19 PM

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