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Monday, September 15, 2008

isn't it Friday yet?

I can't believe we just had a weekend. What weekend? All I remember is running around like a chicken with my head cut off for three days. (Minus the mess. Chickens running around with their heads cut off-- that's not something you want on your new carpet.) I feel completely unrested and also completely unready to face a week of two kinds of school and all kinds of meetings. To top things off, C decided to start her day with an explosive attitude problem, which, coupled with my insufficient sleep last night, is making me wish we could all just go back to bed. Or go out and play, with no responsibilities in the world. Of the two, the "going back to bed" seems more plausible. I wonder if I could justify that somehow. Is today a holiday?

[cue sounds of rummaging through the Internet]

Hmm. It's "Make a Hat Day." Sounds a little too... productive for me. Although Saturday was National Cream-Filled Donut Day. I can't believe I missed it! I'll have to have a belated celebration.

I made strawberry jam yesterday. It tastes yummy but the berries FLOATED GRR. Oh well -- I think it looks pretty, with a gradient effect from clear red jelly into jewelled strawberry goodness. I also canned MORE peaches. (I think that's enough peaches, don't you? I have about thirteen quarts in there now.) The fruit came from a farmer's market in the valley where the prices are really good, even when I take into consideration my quietly-held suspicions about their scales.

(Special note just for Denise: Hi, Denise! Um, if you read my reply to your comment on the last post already, I sincerely hope you didn't do anything with it yet. It's DRIED herbs, not GROUND herbs. Don't know where that came from -- probably the part of my brain that started dying on my thirtieth birthday. I edited my comment, and I would have emailed you except I haven't your address. So you get a paragraph all to yourself in a post instead.)

Oh! If you're not reading this via a feed reader you may have noticed that the blue is gone. I was thoroughly tired of the blue, so since I didn't have anything else to do last night (well, except sleep and homework, but who wants to do those? and my hands were too sore to knit, thanks to a transcribing sprint -- not a marathon, a sprint -- on Saturday night), I sat here and edited the stylesheet and made a new header and I even posted new photos in the sidebar, two of which I took specially for the occasion. (LT picked his own costume. In fact he insisted I take a new photo of him for the sidebar, rather than simply updating it with "just a plain one of him smiling", no matter how recent; he disappeared into his room and emerged fully equipped. I drew the line at the airsoft gun, which looks so much like a real M-16 that I'm sure our house would have been surrounded by BATF and CPS before the site finished rebuilding if I'd let him pose with it.)

OK. SIGH. I can't put the day off any longer. Time for school. Either that or it's off to the bakery for cream-filled donuts all around.

Posted by Rachel on September 15, 2008 09:38 AM in the round of life


Love the new design. So fall-like.

LT's picture is AWESOME. He looks like an old-time soldier.

Posted by: mary at September 15, 2008 12:01 PM

New carpet?

Posted by: debi at September 15, 2008 01:12 PM

No, there is no new carpet. That was just an illustration. I totally see how that's confusing. I'm also totally too lazy to go fix it.

SCHOOL DAY IS ALMOST OVER. I swear I am taking the afternoon OFF. I'm hanging one more load of laundry and that is IT. Knitting, library books, and nap, here I come.

Posted by: Rachel at September 15, 2008 01:15 PM

Yay! A comment just for me! Thanks, Rachel. I will try your recipe; it sounds YUMMY. And I would've known what you meant (about the herbs), but I understand the need to correct oneself, I feel it very strongly whenever I'm fortunate enough to recognize my errors.

Thanks again!
PS lovin the new look! It's very autumnal...and autumn is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE.

Posted by: Denise at September 15, 2008 07:10 PM

Irrelevant question: is there any way to find a particular reader at Librivox, do you know? I've been listening to lots of their stuff on the rowing machine lately (thanks, Maria!!) and after the guy who's been reading the latest one, it would be nice to hear something read by someone who knows how to pronounce words longer than two syllables, and who can pronounce made-up names at least somewhere close to how they're written. (Thuvia of Ptarth is not from Parth!!!)

Come to think of it, it occurs to me that your son might like the Barsoom books. I think he'd be the right age to like them, should be tolerant of occasional overwriting and bad science (or have fun noticing the latter) and a dose of chivalry, Martian-style, doesn't seem like a bad idea in one's formative years. They're available at Gutenberg and Librivox.

Posted by: dichroic at September 15, 2008 10:28 PM

Paula: Yes, when you're searching the catalog, if you click "More Search Options", or whatever it is, you can search by reader. (I personally am pretty tolerant of pronunciation errors -- one of my favorite readers is rather prone to them -- because I'm bad about this myself, being a person who knows a lot of words from reading them, but doesn't get out enough to actually, you know, HEAR them. ;-) But I understand how it could get annoying. Even I sometimes gently correct the reader out loud while I'm listening. Good thing I don't listen much in public, or they'd come haul me away for just sitting there on the subway or wherever and suddenly bursting out with "QUADrupeds" or "ZEEnith".)

Posted by: Rachel at September 15, 2008 10:59 PM

I love the fall colors! Too bad we don't have fall weather...

Posted by: Jennifer at September 16, 2008 12:29 PM

Rachel, I'm bad about it too and generally sympathetic. But 1) that's no excuse for not at least pronouncing things as they're written (how on earth do you get "feodore" from "Phaidor" and 2) this is for a special purpose. I tend to correct out loud too, and when I'm erging I just don't have breath to do it!

Posted by: dichroic at September 16, 2008 10:49 PM

Tomorrow!! Tomorrow is Friday!!! You are almost there! AND think of it this way. tonight you get a nice evening at home WITHOUT having to go anywhere, wearing a green shirt! hmmm. nice

Posted by: debi at September 18, 2008 07:54 AM


Posted by: debi at September 19, 2008 07:53 AM

Debi beat me too it. What the heck...ITS FRIDAY!

Posted by: Jennifer at September 19, 2008 11:19 AM

Hi Jenn! =)the sad thing is that it is not Friday anymore! =(

Posted by: debi at September 22, 2008 08:55 AM

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