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Friday, March 27, 2009


This year again I was really surprised at how quickly things sprouted in my seedling trays. I peered in at them on Monday and there was nothing. Wednesday, this:

garden 09 - seedling sprouts

Tomatoes and basil! Mmm, think of the future pizza! :)

(the peppers are making a much smaller showing but they're starting to come up too.)

Posted by Rachel on March 27, 2009 12:52 AM in certain death for all green things


Okay Okay you are giving me the gardening fever!
Since my thumb is no where near green, and my patio only gets short hours of afternoon sun - I had to do the Facebook Farm game - planting crops and harvesting my virtual farm, too fun!

Posted by: Cami at March 27, 2009 07:38 PM

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