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Saturday, October 15, 2005
what I've spent far too much time doing this weekend
I've sort of re-vamped the photo blog. (yeah, about eleven hours' worth of 'sort of'.) This involved installing a program thingie on my host server (don't you love my technical terminology?), and then I had to change some permissions on my files and then I had to tear my hair because I had made a vile error which pretty much made my site completely inaccessible (my dad, who was there at the time, said, "Well, why don't you just make another one?" Ah, Dad. Life without Internet is so simple.). And then I had to customize it, of course, and hoo boy did THAT take a while. Don't you love that crick between your shoulder blades from too much typing? me too.
Anyway. Here's the link to the new photo blog. The old one is still there, but it won't be updated anymore, unless I decide I hate the new way (or the, what, ten people who looked at my photo blog with any regularity decide that they hate the new way) and go back to it. Explore a little (there's not much to explore, really) and tell me what you think. Please?
Thanks. Meanwhile I'm off to see how many miles I have to walk (and, incidentally, how many photos I have to take) before my back forgets all the hunching-over-the-keyboard it's done in the past two days.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
in case you notice and wonder
I'm going to be manually importing (that is, copying and pasting -- my grandfather would scoff at the fact that I call that "manual", but whatever) my old entries from diaryland into this journal, a few at a time. Just wanted to give a heads-up for those of you who use bloglines or a similar rss-reader; it's gonna look a little strange seeing posts from February, then January, etc, and now you'll know why.
Other than that, nothing, same old same old, except that I took the kids to the dentist yesterday for fillings, and C talked the guy's head off and thanked him "for a good time" afterward, while LT had an anxiety attack and didn't have anything done to his teeth. Good thing his cavity is really minor.
And when that's the blog-able highlight of my week, you can see why I haven't written in here since Saturday.
Monday, May 09, 2005
mother's day etc.
Well, I'm going to join the ranks of Christian women bloggers who are explaining why they're not blogging as often anymore. My reasons aren't as cool as theirs -- especially Molly; I mean, who can top having a baby as a reason to stay away from the computer? But I do have a little list of reasons. I have a crochet project I'm working on really hard; I am trying to get through Mansfield Park; we're getting to the end of the school year and I'm getting that "you slacker, your children are going to hate you when they're adults because you basically took off the entire months of March and April from any kind of regular sit-down school every year and that meant that they reached the age of 18 barely able to multiply single-digit numbers and now they live in the ghetto and scrounge in trash cans for a living THANKS A WHOLE LOT MOM" kind of panic. I KNOW it's not true, I mean, heck, if I stopped right now they could probably get jobs with, I dunno, the postal service or something. And most importantly, they're growing and blossoming and reading and writing (sometimes even legibly, but don't count on it) and being creative and they're very bright and everything. It's just this kind of opposite-of-spring-fever thing I get every year, don't mind me.
Also, it has been raining again, so I haven't been taking a whole lot of pictures to post, or going for walks. And the biggest reason is that I have a tendency to spend way too much time sitting here in front of this machine, and I need to work on curtailing that to a conscionable level. Don't expect me to disappear (especially because my resolve on this sort of thing is notoriously weak), but don't expect a post every day either, I guess. Which, hey, who's been expecting that lately anyway.
quick Mother's Day summation: I spent the day at home, except for a brief excursion to the library's used book sale, because LT woke up in the wee small hours on Sunday, throwing up. It ended up being a one-off, but we couldn't know that in time to go to church or the family gathering afterward. Plus I was up at 3 a.m., washing sheets and blankets and cuddling my nine-year-old (!!), and that is not conducive to getting up bright and early. It ended up being a pretty nice day, all things considered. We didn't play a family board game like I wanted to (the boys' round of the Star Wars trading card game thing or whatever it's called took longer than they thought it would), but I didn't have to wash dishes or cook, and I DID have ice cream and cookies. Definitely a day for the positive column. :)
Saturday, April 30, 2005
pardon our dust
Well, thanks to the fact that my ISP was a little miffed at all the extra space I was taking up on their server (outdated people think 20MB is enough for a website! sheesh! what do they think this is, 1998?) and started charging me $10 extra per month because of it, I have spent the bulk of this afternoon setting up shop at LivingDot. People, LivingDot ROCKS, and I'm not just saying that because they imported all my old posts from Blogger FOR FREE and everything they do is SO LIGHTNING-FAST and they are so helpful and friendly. Well, or maybe I am. Anyway. I heart LivingDot so far, even though I keep accidentally typing LivingDog and having to fix it.
What I don't heart is the way Internet Explorer, unlike *the-cough-cough-far-superior-cough* Firefox, can take a stray quotation mark in your style sheet and turn it into an hour of hair-pulling, mouth-breathing, headache-inducing stress. THANK YOU IE. Cause I was, you know, a little cocky and relaxed and overconfident there for a while.
Anyway. I am still working out a few bits and pieces here and there -- like, for instance, I need to get links and little introductory pictures put up in the sidebar, and a link to the photo blog, which has, by the way, also moved. That's particularly fun because this server is case-sensitive and my old one wasn't, so if I'm calling up clover.jpg I had darn well better have a file called clover.jpg and not, heaven forbid, clover.JPG on hand for your handy dandy little browser to find, or you'll just see a little white box with a red x in it, and there's nothing artistic about that at ALL.
Friday, April 29, 2005
oh dear me... I really did it
I'm sorry, just had to FREAK OUT a little bit about that.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Yet. Another. Journal.
I was feeling tempted to load up the journal with more pictures today, but I decided instead to, um, start up a whole new journal just for the pictures and for commentary about them. Um.
My New Toy (edited: the photo journal is now at
Friday, January 07, 2005
I needed a little something to occupy my mind
T just called. He's on his way home from the shop -- should be here in an hour or so. PRAISE GOD; I was getting really worried. (It took them an hour to snowmobile in and five hours to get back out).
To keep my mind off waiting for him to call, I spent the day creating a list of 101 Things To Do in 1001 Days. I'd read about it on Today's Lessons (link down there on the right) and it intrigued me. And I really needed something to absorb my attention today. So now that I've been staring at the computer screen for like seven hours I'm going to fold some laundry.
By the way, this is my second update today.
Oh! more news! (Not from T). Just got the call that the miracle baby was born this morning (it turned out that she was at 37 weeks when I posted about it before, and the contractions stopped), and is healthy and beautiful. God is good.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
moving day
(originally posted at blogger)
I feel all dirty and guilty, going behind Diaryland's back like this. But the fact is that you can get the same stuff here for free that you get for $55 a year at Diaryland, except the stats tracking. And apparently except for the "actually being able to post when you want to" part. Since it just took literally fifteen minutes for this add-an-entry page to show up. Still and all, I will give it a little try.
There's been nothing of note going on this week in our household. I did forget to mention that we put our Christmas tree and decorations (such as they are) up on the day after Thanksgiving, as is our tradition. This is the first time our cats have encountered a Christmas tree. For the first two days they didn't even notice, but then, um, they did. So until they figure out that touching an ornament=tiny smack on my cute little nose, they can't be left alone in the house with it. It is like having toddlers.
Also, I am back on my hardcore diet, because the scale was starting to creep in the wrong direction, and I knew if I didn't get it in hand it would be leaping and cavorting into higher and higher numbers pretty soon. So. This means I spend the majority of every afternoon having to verbally remind myself to get out of the kitchen and go drink some water. It also means that I'm back to going through four or five cans of diet soda a day. I was so hopped up on diet Cherry Coke last night that I couldn't sleep until after midnight, even though I went to bed at the virtuous hour of ten-thirty.
And I'm whizzing through the Little House books. I am finding they're great for reading during the winter. Also that I can read two in one day if I neglect the laundry, and hey, what's new about that?
by the way. IT IS DECEMBER AUGH. Just thought I'd share.
Friday, November 14, 2003
Googlers, finally
It's interesting; I have finally started to get Google hits in my referrer stats. I'd been feeling all left out and rejected reading about the ones other diarylanders were getting. ;-) Today I had one for "i sneeze like". O-K... sounds like someone was maybe looking for a site they remembered, but couldn't remember the URL? I dunno.
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
the diary curse is coming upon me
Note: It is happening. It just took longer than I predicted it would in my first entry. I have gone from multiple entries a day, through one entry a day, and now I've begun skipping. I do hope that I'm still writing in this thing a month from now.
It's not so much that my life has been boring, either, it's just that I haven't felt much like writing about it. Our trip to the zoo on Monday was nice. We also did a bit of shopping (you can't possibly take a trip to the city without buying at least a few things that are unavailable up the hill). T went to Harbor Freight, which, for the uninitiated, is a kind of Oriental Trading Company of hardware stores. Everything's cheap, in more ways than one, but if you're looking for certain things (like tools for a kit that will be in the car for emergencies) it's a decent place to go. It's also a man magnet. C and I were the only females within two blocks of that store, I think. And, like paintball stores, auto body websites, and telescope accessories catalogs, it's the kind of place where I should just automatically double his pre-shopping spending estimate. I did have plenty of time to sit in the car and finally read the instruction manual for our new car stereo, though. (hey, it DOES have a clock!)
Here's a bit of advice: If you're trying to cut back the amount of time you spend at the computer, do NOT get a CD burner and a cd player for your car during the same week. Let's just say it's counterproductive. But now I have all kinds of cool stuff to listen to in the car.
I am trying to figure out what book I want to buy next week (oh, what a happy kind of decision to have to make! And I'm going to eat at Olive Garden too, all by myself!). I'm going to be spending two hours next Friday afternoon donating platelets, and I'll want a paperback book (I just see that being so much easier to handle with a needle in each arm), one I haven't read before that will really draw me in. I have a $18 book to return at Borders, and a $25 gift certificate for Barnes and NOble, and they're right across the street from each other in Fresno (whose bright idea WAS that?), so I should be able to get pretty much anything I want. I'm thinking I might get Jane Austen's juvenalia, if it's available in the store, but then I'm also thinking I might want something a little lighter and more modern since I'll want to be totally absorbed in it. If anyone has any recommendations, leave a comment. :) Thanks.
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