Thursday, September 28, 2006

Federalist Papers 64, 65, and 66

I finally felt like doing some recording tonight. What with being busy with school, and gone at the retreat, and sick, and having a husband and son competing for computer time on weekend nights, plus all that -- you know -- real-life stuff I tend to need to do like care for my family and sleep, I'd not done any Librivoxing in I think a week and a half or two weeks. I know you all were having a hard time carrying on without these updates. I'm sorry.

These are the last of the Federalist Papers I signed up to do. I'm going to focus on my solo projects for a while instead of taking on more portions of collaborative efforts, but if I get close to done with Silas Marner and Five Little Peppers..., I may volunteer to do some more of these, if they're still available. Awesome fun.

Paper 64

Paper 65

Paper 66

P.S. if you're lost (ie if you found this via Google and have no idea what's going on), click here and all will be made clear.

Posted by Rachel at 12:42 AM in The Federalist Papers | librivox | | Comments (0)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Federalist Papers -- paper #62

Federalist #62: The Senate, by James Madison

(in case you're new and/or lost)

Posted by Rachel at 01:45 AM in The Federalist Papers | librivox | | Comments (0)

Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Federalist Papers -- paper 46

Federalist 46

Posted by Rachel at 09:40 AM in The Federalist Papers | librivox | | Comments (0)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Federalist Papers -- papers 41-45

To repeat salient points about what's going on here:

  • I'm serializing some of my Librivox recordings here in my blog.
  • I generally record two or three chapters from each book in a week.
  • I won't be hurt if you never download these but I thought I'd put them here in case anyone felt like following along.
  • For bandwidth reasons, please only download each file once (right-click and save, or whatever it is that you superior Mac people do to download a file from a link). And if I do end up running out of available bandwidth I'll simply stop posting these.
  • Also please tell me if you hear mistakes/repeats as you go. If you know the minutes/seconds at which the mistake occurs, so much the better.

The Federalist Papers started out not as a book but as a series of editorials, if you will, aimed at convincing the people of the newborn United States to ratify the Constitution. They were written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, and were compiled into a book almost as soon as the series ended. They're an important piece of U.S. History and constitutional law. I volunteered to read papers 41 through 46, which were written by Madison and which mostly deal with the quantity of powers granted to the federal government by the new Constitution. I think when I've finished these (I only have 46 left to do, and if my mild sore throat clears up I'd like to record it tonight) I will volunteer for another section.

Paper 41

Paper 42

Paper 43

Paper 44

Paper 45

Posted by Rachel at 02:53 PM in The Federalist Papers | librivox | | Comments (0)
