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Sunday, July 08, 2007
day 8 - PIT bell
I had just kind of an off day today. I woke up cranky, had a cranky time getting ready for church, then moved into a cranky afternoon of folding laundry and self-loathing before having a cranky evening. (I have been just lovely to be around. Don't you wish YOU were married to me.) My wonderful husband thought it might help if we spent the evening together doing fun stuff, which generally does make me feel better. And it did -- a little. We played PIT; here's a shot of the bell with some of us reflected in it.
And now I'm going to bed, where perhaps I should have simply stayed this morning.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
day 7 - I don't love this view at all.
day 7 - view from the maybe house
Originally uploaded by Mrs Rachel
(click to view it larger)
This is part of the view from the front door of the house we hope we can buy, but are sternly forbidding ourselves to love (hence the title). It's uuuugly right now -- July is that way in the foothills, and the place is unoccupied so the lawn is, um, not a lawn at this point in time.
Square crop is an odd choice for a landscape, but the 50-day project I'm doing has a square-crop rule. I already broke it yesterday, and didn't want to do it again today. :)
the 50-day thing
Since this place isn't exactly hopping with posts these days, and since the 50-day photo project has really turned into an interesting kind of blogging experience and I'm actually writing more than I have in a long time for it, I've decided to go ahead and post it straight to this blog each day, via flickr's "blog this" thingamabob. yippee! posts! (all two of you who are left, rejoice. Or... not.)
Friday, July 06, 2007
day 6 - crime scene
day 6 - crime scene
Originally uploaded by Mrs Rachel
(click to view it larger
Today we went to help a friend of ours. She has a rental property, and the tenants had been giving her trouble. Latest antics: trashing the place, vandalizing a bunch of her belongings, and throwing bleach everywhere in the rental, including on this mirror.
The person in the background is T, standing on the porch waiting for the sheriff's deputy who was on the way. All very exciting for the kids, who thought they were inside a Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys collaboration. We were just glad to get the mess cleaned up, get a report taken by the sheriff's department, and come home.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
day 5 - in the shade
day 5 - in the shade
Originally uploaded by Mrs Rachel
(click the picture to view it larger)
I think the picture pretty much says it all.
This was taken on my front porch at around 4:45 pm today. At 12 percent humidity, you can feel your skin parching. Fuel temperatures are in the 120s, which means a stray breeze and a wayward cigarette could team up to set the whole countryside on fire at any moment. Fun fun fun. I miss winter.
I can neither confirm nor deny the report that I bought a thermometer today with this shot in mind.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
day 4 - fireworks tree

day 4 - fireworks tree
Originally uploaded by Mrs Rachel
Today we went to a swim party/potluck/prayer meeting at the home of some friends. I took pictures during the swimming portion of the festivities, but we have a no-posting-pictures-of-our-kids-in-swimsuits-on-the-Internet rule, so you won't be seeing any of those. The fireworks display was pretty much an afterthought -- the Ts were too tired out from all the swimming, eating, and praying we'd already done, so it was just C and me, driving out just before they started and finding a place to park and a vantage point that might be decent. The vantage point turned out to not be quite as decent as I thought, since a telephone pole that I had thought would be well out of my shots ended up being very near the middle of most of them. But we had a good time watching the fireworks, anyway.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Day 3 - C and shadows

Day 3 - Claire and shadows
Originally uploaded by Mrs Rachel
C has been working all spring on the horizontal bars. She can do them all the way across now. Whenever we go to the school playground (which we did tonight while the boys were at Boy Scouts), she heads right for them. Yay C!
Monday, July 02, 2007
day 2 - Mary
day 2 - Mary
Originally uploaded by Mrs Rachel
This evening, T was at a meeting and the kids got invited over to a friend's house to swim, so I found myself faced with something that is rare enough in the life of a homeschooling mom to be an event: time alone. I had a hard time deciding whether to walk or knit, and decided to start with the walk and see what happened after that.
This photo is of my cat, Mary, who greeted me with an appropriate air of feline superiority when I came back.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Day 1 - C, berry-picking
Day 1 - C, berry-picking
Originally uploaded by Mrs Rachel
There's a creek through the town where I live, and all up and down it it is a wilderness of blackberry brambles. Much of the creek is on public property -- road easements, parks, the like -- and so the berries are, as far as anyone has ever been told, free for the taking. Not many people bother, really, and there are so many that are completely inaccessible (see above re: wilderness of brambles) that there are plenty left for birds and what have you. Anyway. We went on a berry-picking walk this afternoon, and the light was lovely. This is C, contemplating her next move.
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