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Sunday, March 28, 2004
just exactly how freakish AM I?
note to self: Either make somewhat-strenuous hill hikes part of a daily/weekly regimen, or don't do them at all. You know you always end up moaning in pain if you do, say, one every five years.
However, I think the views were worth the aches and pains:
(These are thumbnails; you can click on them to view the full-sized pictures. ha. Remember when 340x256 was a full-sized picture?
Also, yes, this is near where I live; my parents' house is in one of the pictures. Lucky me. And no, none of it's for sale.)
Also, while I have your attention (oh shut up, I hear you laughing, no, wait, that's snoring...), I have a question. Just exactly how freakish am I? I mean, here's something that happened to me about fifteen minutes ago: I was scooping ice cream (Dulce de Leche, which is Spanish for "my current diet-disaster obsession"). Somehow a good-sized scoop of ice cream managed to roll off the scooper and in my attempt to catch it, since I was holding the ice cream carton in one hand and the scoop in the other and hence was rendered as manually dexterous as, oh, a cow, I ended up trying to capture it in the crook of my elbows, but I failed. Can you get a mental image of this? This kind of thing (thankfully not this precise situation) happens to me with some regularity. Now, back to my question. Am I the only one? Was I brought to earth from some distant Planet Freakishness and switched, in the dark of night, for the perfectly normal and graceful baby my parents should have had? Am I some kind of changeling from the clumsiness fairy? Or is this the kind of thing that some other people (I can't hope that everyone does this) do also, and just nobody talks about? Or maybe I shouldn't ask this question. Nevermind, don't answer.
Friday, March 19, 2004
ten years later

March 19, 2004:

I felt like Miss Havisham, somehow, putting that on. I've been wanting to try it just to see if I could, and today seemed like a good day for it. Here, however, is proof that I am NOT yet at my lowest married weight -- the dress wouldn't quiiiiite button all the way up the back. (and bridesmaids, wherever you all may be: I am truly sorry about the buttons. Please accept my sincere, groveling apologies. Holy COW what was I thinking, to put you through that.) Since this is a special occasion and all, and I don't want to ruin my mood, I'm going to assume, just for today, that the reason it won't close is that my breasts are more robust than they were when I was 19, and leave it at that.
And while we're on the subject of "what was I thinking" I'll just say that apparently no, I did not think my football-player shoulders were QUITE wide enough, hence the enormity of the sleeves. ahem. --------
Sunday, March 14, 2004
this will help you get your zzz's
I had just popped open a diet Coke in anticipation of sitting and reading for an hour but I CAN'T FIND MY BOOK. (The Two Towers, and I'm liking it OK). And now since I have this nice beverage o' bliss to keep me company, I can't just go to bed, now can I, so here I am typing an entry. I remember in junior high, notes written when bored were always the most boring ones. So, if you are prone to insomnia, perhaps you should save this entry to read in the middle of the night -- and in any case, make sure not to operate any heavy machinery after reading. OK?
I've been spending a lot of time away from the computer being, well, productive. In fact, this weekend overall has been a good one with lots of things getting accomplished that have been a long time coming. Ooh, a LIST!
- On Friday I finished a sewing project for the first time since last May: a denim blanket intended for picnics.
- Time spent collecting old jeans and letting them lie around in an old military laundry bag, figuring that "someday" I would make a quilt out of them: Ten years.
- Total days elapsed from starting cutting to finishing the project: about 15
- Total hours involved: Maybe 35? 40?
- Other miscellaneous costs: much frustration with my sewing machine, until we reached a truce and worked things out between us; one cassette in a 25-cassette book on tape owned by my local library, "eaten" by my extremely inexpensive generic cassette player (Light a Penny Candle by Maeve Binchy, and I was so engrossed in it that I had to check out the book at the same time as I confessed the depravity and misadventures of my cassette player to the librarian who's known me since I was a baby, and stay up till all hours reading instead of sewing to find out what happened), replacement $8.
- Saturday T put the engine in his truck. This is a big, big deal. I won't go into the mechanic-y greasy details, nor will I tell you how long the truck's been sitting in our driveway waiting for said engine (partly because I can't remember, it seems like it's always been there), but trust me, a big big deal. Yay hubby. :)
- Also Saturday I started a new sewing project (I am liking this books on tape thing, and sewing is a good excuse), this one being a dress for my daughter. I have had this very very expensive fabric stored for eight years -- since I bought more than I needed to for a maternity dress -- and have planned since then that I would eventually make a dress for my daughter (mind you, this was before I HAD a daughter) from it. I bought the pattern for the dress last spring. So after eight years of waiting and two and a half days (about eight or ten hours) of work, here it is:
- On Friday, LT had the shining moment of his life to date (or close enough anyway) when he took his savings to Target and bought THE LEGO AT-AT. He'd been coveting one for a year or so, and saving his recycling money for months. And now through the miracle of modern technology (including my new-to-me, functional digital camera! woo hoo!), you, yes, YOU, diaryland reader, can be witness to the creation of a Star Wars legend. (can you tell it's late?)
Early in the project, Friday night...
Daddy of course had to get in on this (talk about bonding! ;-)
After just a few hours' sleep, I don't think I have to tell you about the first thing he looked at when he got out of bed on Saturday...
The finished product, Saturday morning.
It was a little smaller than I expected for $100 -choke- but the owner is extremely well-pleased.
Monday, December 22, 2003
pictures! pictures!
Snapfish (I love you, I love you) just put up pictures from our most recent rolls of film. Here are three I felt I must Share Or Burst.
This is LT, on Patriotic/Military Day at Awana. I just have to love any club that encourages kids to dress up in military and/or patriotic costumes. :)
This is C (with her back to us) at her first ballet lesson. This is a stretching exercise wherein they pretend to be "big oak trees" and rock back and forth in the wind. WAY TOO PRECIOUS, no?
Here are C and myself getting ready to go to the Nutcracker. Don't we look lovely?! :) This is a textbook example of Too Much Lipstick, and the fact that the flash bleached out my face didn't help the look at all. T is not an ally in TML prevention, as he has a bit of a red lipstick, um, f*t*sh (don't want the creepy stalkers to happen upon this particular entry...) Fortunately for me and the world at large, I ate something on the way and had to reapply, and I wore much less the rest of the night.
This is my second entry today, just so you know...
Thursday, December 18, 2003
life is good!
I hope putting this here doesn't completely tweak out my template for this entry (you can click on this picture to see it in better detail). I just had to post about how good my life is:
Note: I am relaxing on the couch. I am reading a nice thick WONDERFUL book. I have a diet Coke. It is lovely autumnal woodstove weather and I am wearing my red ribbed sweater and my new schoolgirl skirt (which, don't you just know, T just can't stand. Um, that's sarcasm). Also, this is one of the first pictures taken by our new-to-us digital camera.
Pardon me, must dash back to the couch; I just wanted to share.
Friday, November 07, 2003
pictures of the boa
We just got a CD from my FIL of pictures from his birthday. Here are a couple of C with the infamous feather boa.

Close-up, with just the boa and the tiara

The whole ensemble. The pink blur to her left is the wand, which was being waved in a wandish sort of way.
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